MLB Package

The MLB package offers multiple modules which can be used to retrieve information and statistics for Major League Baseball, such as team names, season stats, game schedules, and boxscore metrics.


The Boxscore module can be used to grab information from a specific game. Metrics range from number of runs scored to the number of sacrifice flies, to the slugging percentage and much more. The Boxscore can be easily queried by passing a boxscore’s URI on which can be retrieved from the Schedule class (see Schedule module below for more information on retrieving game-specific information).

from import Boxscore

game_data = Boxscore('BOS/BOS201808020')
print(game_data.home_runs)  # Prints 15
print(game_data.away_runs)  # Prints 7
df = game_data.dataframe  # Returns a Pandas DataFrame of game metrics

The Boxscore module also contains a Boxscores class which searches for all games played on a particular day and returns a dictionary of matchups between all teams on the requested day. The dictionary includes the names and abbreviations for each matchup as well as the boxscore link if applicable.

from datetime import datetime
from import Boxscores

games_today = Boxscores(
print(  # Prints a dictionary of all matchups for today

The Boxscores class also allows the ability to query over a range of dates using a second optional parameter during instantiation of the class. To query a range of dates, enter the start date as the first parameter and the inclusive end date as the second parameter.

from datetime import datetime
from import Boxscores

# Pulls all games between and including July 17, 2017 and July 20, 2017
games = Boxscores(datetime(2017, 7, 17), datetime(2017, 7, 20))
# Prints a dictionary of all results from July 17, 2017 and July 20, 2017

Bases: object

Detailed information about the final statistics for a game.

Stores all relevant information for a game such as the date, time, location, result, and more advanced metrics such as the number of strikes, a pitcher’s influence on the game, the number of putouts and much more.


uri (string) – The relative link to the boxscore HTML page, such as ‘BOS/BOS201806070’.

property attendance

Returns an int of the game’s listed attendance.

property away_assists

Returns an int of the number of assists the away team registered.

property away_at_bats

Returns an int of the number of at bats the away team had.

property away_average_leverage_index

Returns a float of the amount of pressure the away team’s pitcher faced during the game. 1.0 denotes average pressure while numbers less than 0 denote lighter pressure.

property away_base_out_runs_added

Returns a float of the number of base out runs added by the away team.

property away_base_out_runs_saved

Returns a float of the number of runs saved by the away pitcher based on the number of players on bases. 0.0 denotes an average value.

property away_bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the number of bases the away team registerd as a result of balls.

property away_batting_average

Returns a float of the batting average for the away team.

property away_earned_runs

Returns a float of the number of runs the away team earned.

property away_fly_balls

Returns an int of the number of fly balls the away team allowed.

property away_game_score

Returns an int of the starting away pitcher’s score determine by many factors, such as number of runs scored against, number of strikes, etc.

property away_grounded_balls

Returns an int of the number of grounded balls the away team allowed.

property away_hits

Returns an int of the number of hits the away team had.

property away_home_runs

Returns an int of the number of times the away team gave up a home run.

property away_inherited_runners

Returns an int of the number of runners a pitcher inherited when he entered the game.

property away_inherited_score

Returns an int of the number of scorers a pitcher inherited when he entered the game.

property away_innings_pitched

Returns a float of the number of innings the away team pitched.

property away_line_drives

Returns an int of the number of line drives the away team allowed.

property away_on_base_percentage

Returns a float of the percentage of at bats that result in the batter getting on base.

property away_on_base_plus

Returns a float of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property away_pitches

Returns an int of the number of pitches the away team faced.

property away_plate_appearances

Returns an int of the number of plate appearances the away team made.

property away_players

Returns a list of BoxscorePlayer class instances for each player on the away team.

property away_putouts

Returns an int of the number of putouts the away team registered.

property away_rbi

Returns an int of the number of runs batted in the away team registered.

property away_runs

Returns an int of the number of runs the away team scored.

property away_slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the slugging percentage for the away team based on the number of bases gained per at-bat with bigger plays getting more weight.

property away_strikeouts

Returns an int of the number of times the away team was struck out.

property away_strikes

Returns an int of the number of times a strike was called against the away team.

property away_strikes_by_contact

Returns an int of the number of times the away team struck out a batter who made contact with the pitch.

property away_strikes_looking

Returns an int of the number of times the away team struck out a batter who was looking.

property away_strikes_swinging

Returns an int of the number of times the away team struck out a batter who was swinging.

property away_unknown_bat_type

Returns an int of the number of away at bats that were not properly tracked and therefore cannot be safely placed in another statistical category.

property away_win_probability_added

Returns a float of the total positive influence the away team’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

property away_win_probability_by_pitcher

Returns a float of the amount of influence the away pitcher had on the game’s result with 0.0 denoting zero influence and 1.0 denoting he was solely responsible for the team’s win.

property away_win_probability_for_offensive_player

Returns a float of the overall influence the away team’s offense had on the outcome of the game where 0.0 denotes no influence and 1.0 denotes the offense was solely responsible for the outcome.

property away_win_probability_subtracted

Returns a float of the total negative influence the away team’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

property dataframe

Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other class properties and values. The index for the DataFrame is the string URI that is used to instantiate the class, such as ‘BOS201806070’.

property date

Returns a string of the date the game took place.

property duration



Returns a string of the game’s duration in the format ‘H

property home_assists

Returns an int of the number of assists the home team registered.

property home_at_bats

Returns an int of the number of at bats the home team had.

property home_average_leverage_index

Returns a float of the amount of pressure the home team’s pitcher faced during the game. 1.0 denotes average pressure while numbers less than 0 denote lighter pressure.

property home_base_out_runs_added

Returns a float of the number of base out runs added by the home team.

property home_base_out_runs_saved

Returns a float of the number of runs saved by the home pitcher based on the number of players on bases. 0.0 denotes an average value.

property home_bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the number of bases the home team registerd as a result of balls.

property home_batting_average

Returns a float of the batting average for the home team.

property home_earned_runs

Returns a float of the number of runs the home team earned.

property home_fly_balls

Returns an int of the number of fly balls the home team allowed.

property home_game_score

Returns an int of the starting home pitcher’s score determine by many factors, such as number of runs scored against, number of strikes, etc.

property home_grounded_balls

Returns an int of the number of grounded balls the home team allowed.

property home_hits

Returns an int of the number of hits the home team had.

property home_home_runs

Returns an int of the number of times the home team gave up a home run.

property home_inherited_runners

Returns an int of the number of runners a pitcher inherited when he entered the game.

property home_inherited_score

Returns an int of the number of scorers a pitcher inherited when he entered the game.

property home_innings_pitched

Returns a float of the number of innings the home team pitched.

property home_line_drives

Returns an int of the number of line drives the home team allowed.

property home_on_base_percentage

Returns a float of the percentage of at bats that result in the batter getting on base.

property home_on_base_plus

Returns a float of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property home_pitches

Returns an int of the number of pitches the home team faced.

property home_plate_appearances

Returns an int of the number of plate appearances the home team made.

property home_players

Returns a list of BoxscorePlayer class instances for each player on the home team.

property home_putouts

Returns an int of the number of putouts the home team registered.

property home_rbi

Returns an int of the number of runs batted in the home team registered.

property home_runs

Returns an int of the number of runs the home team scored.

property home_slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the slugging percentage for the home team based on the number of bases gained per at-bat with bigger plays getting more weight.

property home_strikeouts

Returns an int of the number of times the home team was struck out.

property home_strikes

Returns an int of the number of times a strike was called against the home team.

property home_strikes_by_contact

Returns an int of the number of times the home team struck out a batter who made contact with the pitch.

property home_strikes_looking

Returns an int of the number of times the home team struck out a batter who was looking.

property home_strikes_swinging

Returns an int of the number of times the home team struck out a batter who was swinging.

property home_unknown_bat_type

Returns an int of the number of home at bats that were not properly tracked and therefore cannot be safely placed in another statistical category.

property home_win_probability_added

Returns a float of the total positive influence the home team’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

property home_win_probability_by_pitcher

Returns a float of the amount of influence the home pitcher had on the game’s result with 0.0 denoting zero influence and 1.0 denoting he was solely responsible for the team’s win.

property home_win_probability_for_offensive_player

Returns a float of the overall influence the home team’s offense had on the outcome of the game where 0.0 denotes no influence and 1.0 denotes the offense was solely responsible for the outcome.

property home_win_probability_subtracted

Returns a float of the total negative influence the home team’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

property losing_abbr

Returns a string of the losing team’s abbreviation, such as ‘LAD’ for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

property losing_name

Returns a string of the losing team’s name, such as ‘Los Angeles Dodgers’.

property summary

Returns a dictionary with two keys, ‘away’ and ‘home’. The value of each key will be a list for each respective team’s score by order of the inning, with the first element belonging to the first inning, similar to the following:


‘away’: [5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], ‘home’: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]


property time

Returns a string of the time the game started.

property time_of_day

Returns a string constant indicated whether the game was played during the day or at night.

property venue

Returns a string of the name of the ballpark where the game was played.

property winner

Returns a string constant indicating whether the home or away team won.

property winning_abbr

Returns a string of the winning team’s abbreviation, such as ‘HOU’ for the Houston Astros.

property winning_name

Returns a string of the winning team’s name, such as ‘Houston Astros’.

class, player_name, player_data)[source]


Get player stats for an individual game.

Given a player ID, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve, their full name, and all associated stats from the Boxscore page in HTML format, parse the HTML and extract only the relevant stats for the specified player and assign them to readable properties.

This class inherits the AbstractPlayer class. As a result, all properties associated with AbstractPlayer can also be read directly from this class.

As this class is instantiated from within the Boxscore class, it should not be called directly and should instead be queried using the appropriate players properties from the Boxscore class.

  • player_id (string) – A player’s ID according to, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player’s stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the ‘.html’ in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format ‘LLLLLFFNN’ where ‘LLLLL’ are the first 5 letters in the player’s last name, ‘FF’, are the first 2 letters in the player’s first name, and ‘NN’ is a number starting at ‘01’ for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player.

  • player_name (string) – A string representing the player’s first and last name, such as ‘Jose Altuve’.

  • player_data (string) – A string representation of the player’s HTML data from the Boxscore page. If the player appears in multiple tables, all of their information will appear in one single string concatenated together.

property average_leverage_index

Returns a float of the amount of pressure the player faced during the game. 1.0 denotes average pressure while numbers less than 0 denote lighter pressure.

property average_leverage_index_pitcher

Returns a float of the amount of pressure the pitcher faced during the game. 1.0 denotes average pressure while numbers less than 0 denote lighter pressure.

property base_out_runs_added

Returns a float of the number of base out runs added by the player.

property base_out_runs_saved

Returns a float of the number of runs saved by the pitcher based on the number of players on bases. 0.0 denotes an average value.

property dataframe

Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other relevant class properties and values for the specified game.

property earned_runs_against

Returns a float of the player’s overall Earned Runs Against average as calculated by 9 * earned_runs / innings_pitched.

property fly_balls

Returns an int of the number of fly balls the player allowed.

property game_score

Returns an int of the pitcher’s score determine by many factors, such as number of runs scored against, number of strikes, etc.

property grounded_balls

Returns an int of the number of grounded balls the player allowed.

property home_runs_thrown

Returns an int of the number of home runs the player threw.

property inherited_runners

Returns an int of the number of runners a relief pitcher inherited.

property inherited_score

Returns an int of the number of runners on base when a relief pitcher entered the game that ended up scoring.

property innings_pitched

Returns a float of the number of innings the player pitched in. Numbers ending in ‘.0’ indicate complete innings, while numbers ending in ‘.1’ are for 1/3 of an inning, and ‘.2’ is for 2/3 of an inning.

property line_drives

Returns an int of the number of line drives the player allowed.

property pitches_thrown

Returns an int of the number of pitches the player threw.

property strikes

Returns an int of the number of times a strike was called against the player.

property strikes_contact

Returns an int of the number of times the player threw a strike when the player made contact with the ball.

property strikes_looking

Returns an int of the number of times the player threw a strike with the player looking.

property strikes_swinging

Returns an int of the number of times the player threw a strike with the batter swinging.

property strikes_thrown

Returns an int of the number of times a strikes the player threw.

property unknown_bat_types

Returns an int of the number of line drives the player allowed.

property win_probability_added

Returns a float of the total positive influence the player’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

property win_probability_added_pitcher

Returns a float of the total positive influence the pitcher’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

property win_probability_for_offensive_player

Returns a float of the overall influence the player’s offense had on the outcome of the game where 0.0 denotes no influence and 1.0 denotes the offense was solely responsible for the outcome.

property win_probability_subtracted

Returns a float of the total negative influence the player’s offense had on the outcome of the game.

class, end_date=None)[source]

Bases: object

Search for MLB games taking place on a particular day.

Retrieve a dictionary which contains a list of all games being played on a particular day. Output includes a link to the boxscore, and the names and abbreviations for both the home teams. If no games are played on a particular day, the list will be empty.

  • date (datetime object) – The date to search for any matches. The month, day, and year are required for the search, but time is not factored into the search.

  • end_date (datetime object (optional)) – Optionally specify an end date to iterate until. All boxscores starting from the date specified in the ‘date’ parameter up to and including the boxscores specified in the ‘end_date’ parameter will be pulled. If left empty, or if ‘end_date’ is prior to ‘date’, only the games from the day specified in the ‘date’ parameter will be saved.

property games

Returns a dictionary object representing all of the games played on the requested day. Dictionary is in the following format:

    'date': [  # 'date' is the string date in format 'MM-DD-YYYY'
            'home_name': Name of the home team, such as 'New York
                         Yankees' (`str`),
            'home_abbr': Abbreviation for the home team, such as
                         'NYY' (`str`),
            'away_name': Name of the away team, such as 'Houston
                         Astros' (`str`),
            'away_abbr': Abbreviation for the away team, such as
                         'HOU' (`str`),
            'boxscore': String representing the boxscore URI, such
                        as 'SLN/SLN201807280' (`str`),
            'winning_name': Full name of the winning team, such as
                            'New York Yankees' (`str`),
            'winning_abbr': Abbreviation for the winning team, such
                            as 'NYY' (`str`),
            'losing_name': Full name of the losing team, such as
                           'Houston Astros' (`str`),
            'losing_abbr': Abbreviation for the losing team, such
                           as 'HOU' (`str`),
            'home_score': Integer score for the home team (`int`),
            'away_score': Integer score for the away team (`int`)
        { ... },

If no games were played on ‘date’, the list for [‘date’] will be empty.


The Player module contains an abstract base class that can be inherited by both the BoxscorePlayer and Player classes in the Boxscore and Roster modules, respectively. All of the properties that appear in the AbstractPlayer class can be read from either of the two child classes mentioned above.

class, player_name, player_data)[source]

Bases: object

Get player information and stats for all seasons.

Given a player ID, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve, capture all relevant stats and information like name, nationality, height/weight, career home runs, last season’s batting average, salary, contract amount, and much more.

By default, the class instance will return the player’s career stats, but single-season stats can be found by calling the instance with the requested season as denoted on


player_id (string) – A player’s ID according to, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player’s stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the ‘.html’ in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format ‘LLLLLFFNN’ where ‘LLLLL’ are the first 5 letters in the player’s last name, ‘FF’, are the first 2 letters in the player’s first name, and ‘NN’ is a number starting at ‘01’ for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player.

property assists

Returns an int of the number of assists the player had.

property at_bats

Returns an int of the number of at bats the player had.

property bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the number of bases the player registered as a result of balls.

property bases_on_balls_given

Returns an int of the number of bases on balls the player has given as a pitcher.

property batters_faced

Returns an int of the number of batters the pitcher has faced.

property batting_average

Returns a float of the batting average for the player.

property earned_runs_allowed

Returns an int of the number of earned runs the player allowed as a pitcher.

property hits

Returns an int of the number of hits the player had.

property hits_allowed

Returns an int of the number of hits the player allowed as a pitcher.

property name

Returns a string of the player’s name, such as ‘Jose Altuve’.

property on_base_percentage

Returns a float of the percentage of at bats that result in the batter getting on base.

property on_base_plus_slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property plate_appearances

Returns an int of the number of plate appearances the player had.

property player_id

Returns a string of the player’s ID on sports-reference, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve.

property putouts

Returns an int of the number of putouts the player had.

property runs

Returns an int of the number of runs the player scored.

property runs_allowed

Returns an int of the number of runs the player allowed as a pitcher.

property runs_batted_in

Returns an int of the number of runs batted in the player registered.

property slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the slugging percentage for the player based on the number of bases gained per at-bat with bigger plays getting more weight.

property strikeouts

Returns an int of the number of strikeouts the player threw as a pitcher.

property times_struck_out

Returns an int of the number of times the player was struck out.


The Roster module contains detailed player information, allowing each player to be queried by their player ID using the Player class which has detailed information ranging from career home runs to single-season stats and player height, weight, and nationality. The following is an example on collecting career information for José Altuve.

from import Player

altuve = Player('altuvjo01')
print(  # Prints 'José Altuve'
print(altuve.hits)  # Prints Altuve's career hits total
# Prints a Pandas DataFrame of all relevant stats per season for Altuve

By default, the player’s career stats are returned whenever a property is called. To get stats for a specific season, call the class instance with the season string. All future property requests will return the season-specific stats.

from import Player

altuve = Player('altuvjo01')  # Currently pulling career stats
print(altuve.hits)  # Prints Altuve's CAREER hits total
# Prints Altuve's hits total only for the 2017 season
# Prints Altuve's home runs total for the 2017 season only

After requesting single-season stats, the career stats can be requested again by calling the class without arguments or with the ‘Career’ string passed.

from import Player

altuve = Player('altuvjo01')  # Currently pulling career stats
# Prints Altuve's hits total only for the 2017 season
print(altuve('Career').hits)  # Prints Altuve's career hits total

In addition, the Roster module also contains the Roster class which can be used to pull all players on a team’s roster during a given season and creates instances of the Player class for each team member and adds them to a list to be easily queried.

from import Roster

astros = Roster('HOU')
for player in astros.players:
    # Prints the name of all players who played for the Astros in the most
    # recent season.


Get player information and stats for all seasons.

Given a player ID, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve, capture all relevant stats and information like name, nationality, height/weight, career home runs, last season’s batting average, salary, contract amount, and much more.

By default, the class instance will return the player’s career stats, but single-season stats can be found by calling the instance with the requested season as denoted on


player_id (string) – A player’s ID according to, such as ‘altuvjo01’ for Jose Altuve. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player’s stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the ‘.html’ in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format ‘LLLLLFFNN’ where ‘LLLLL’ are the first 5 letters in the player’s last name, ‘FF’, are the first 2 letters in the player’s first name, and ‘NN’ is a number starting at ‘01’ for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player.

property assists

Returns an int of the number of assists the player had.

property at_bats

Returns an int of the number of at bats the player had.

property balks

Returns an int of the number of times the pitcher balked.

property bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the number of bases the player registered as a result of balls.

property bases_on_balls_given

Returns an int of the number of bases on balls the player has given as a pitcher.

property bases_on_balls_given_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the number of bases on balls the pitcher has given per nine innings played.

property batters_struckout_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the number of batters the pitcher has struck out per nine innings played.

property batting_average

Returns a float of the batting average for the player.

property birth_date

Returns a datetime object of the day and year the player was born.

property complete_games

Returns an int of the number of complete games the player has participated in.

property contract

Returns a dictionary of the player’s contract where each key is a string of the year, such as ‘2017’ and each value is a dictionary with the string key-value pairs of the player’s age, team name, and salary.

property dataframe

Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other relevant class properties and values where each index is a different season plus the career stats.

property defensive_chances

Returns an int of the number of defensive chances (equal to the number of putouts + assists + errors) the player had.

property defensive_runs_saved_above_average

Returns an int of the number of defensive runs the player saved compared to an average player.

property defensive_runs_saved_above_average_per_innings

Returns an int of the number of defensive runs the player was worth per 1,200 innings compared to an average player.

property double_plays_turned

Returns an int of the number of double plays the player was involved in.

property doubles

Returns an int of the number of doubles the player hit.

property earned_runs_allowed

Returns an int of the number of earned runs the player allowed as a pitcher.

property era

Returns a float of the pitcher’s Earned Runs Average.

property era_plus

Returns a float of the pitcher’s ERA while adjusted for the ballpark.

property errors

Returns an int of the number of errors the player made.

property fielding_independent_pitching

Returns a float of the pitcher’s effectiveness at preventing home runs, bases on balls, and hitting players with pitches, while causing strikeouts.

property fielding_percentage

Returns a float of the players fielding percentage, equivalent to (putouts + assists) / (putouts + assists + errors). Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property games

Returns an int of the number of games the player participated in.

property games_catcher

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a catcher.

property games_center_fielder

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a center fielder.

property games_designated_hitter

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a designated hitter.

property games_finished

Returns an int of the number of games the player finished as a pitcher.

property games_first_baseman

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a first baseman.

property games_in_batting_order

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the batting lineup.

property games_in_defensive_lineup

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the defensive lineup.

property games_left_fielder

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a left fielder.

property games_outfielder

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as an outfielder.

property games_pinch_hitter

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a pinch hitter.

property games_pinch_runner

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a pinch runner.

property games_pitcher

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a pitcher.

property games_right_fielder

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a right fielder.

property games_second_baseman

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a second baseman.

property games_shortstop

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a shortstop.

property games_started

Returns an int of the number of games the player started.

property games_third_baseman

Returns an int of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a third baseman.

property grounded_into_double_plays

Returns an int of the number of double plays the player grounded into.

property height

Returns a string of the players height in the format “feet-inches”.

property hits

Returns an int of the number of hits the player had.

property hits_against_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the number of hits the player has given per nine innings played.

property hits_allowed

Returns an int of the number of hits the player allowed as a pitcher.

property home_runs

Returns an int of the number of home runs the player hit.

property home_runs_against_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the number of home runs the pitcher has given per nine innings played.

property home_runs_allowed

Returns an int of the number of home runs a player has allowed as a pitcher.

property innings_played

Returns a float of the total number of innings the player has played in.

property intentional_bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the number of times the player has been intentionally walked by the opposition.

property intentional_bases_on_balls_given

Returns an int of the number of bases the player has intentionally given as a pitcher.

property league_fielding_percentage

Returns a float of the average fielding percentage for the league at the player’s position. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property league_range_factor_per_game

Returns a float of the average range factor for the league per game, equal to (putouts + assists) / games_played.

property league_range_factor_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the average range factor for the league per nine innings, equal to 9 * (putouts + assists) / innings_played.

property losses

Returns an int of the number of games the player has lost as a pitcher.

property name

Returns a string of the player’s name, such as ‘Jose Altuve’.

property nationality

Returns a string constant denoting which country the player originiates from.

property on_base_percentage

Returns a float of the percentage of at bats that result in the batter getting on base.

property on_base_plus_slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus

Returns an int of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage, adjusted to the player’s ballpark.

property plate_appearances

Returns an int of the number of plate appearances the player had.

property position

Returns a string constant of the player’s primary position.

property putouts

Returns an int of the number of putouts the player had.

property range_factor_per_game

Returns a float of the players range factor per game, equal to 9 * (putouts + assists) / games_played.

property range_factor_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the players range factor per nine innings, equal to 9 * (putouts + assists) / innings_played.

property runs

Returns an int of the number of runs the player scored.

property runs_allowed

Returns an int of the number of runs the player allowed as a pitcher.

property runs_batted_in

Returns an int of the number of runs batted in the player registered.

property sacrifice_flies

Returns an int of the number of sacrifice flies the player hit.

property sacrifice_hits

Returns an int of the number of sacrifice hits or sacrafice bunts the player made.

property saves

Returns an int of the number of saves the player made as a pitcher.

property season

Returns a string of the season in the format ‘YYYY’, such as ‘2017’. If no season was requsted, the career stats will be returned for the player and the season will default to ‘Career’.

property shutouts

Returns an int of the number of times the player did not allow any runs and threw a complete game as a pitcher.

property slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the slugging percentage for the player based on the number of bases gained per at-bat with bigger plays getting more weight.

property stolen_bases

Returns an int of the number of bases the player has stolen.

property strikeouts

Returns an int of the number of strikeouts the player threw as a pitcher.

property strikeouts_thrown_per_walk

Returns a float of the number of batters the pitcher has struck out per the number of walks given.

property team_abbreviation

Returns a string of the team’s abbreviation, such as ‘HOU’ for the Houston Astros.

property times_caught_stealing

Returns an int of the number of times the player was caught stealing.

property times_hit_by_pitch

Returns an int of the number of times the player has been hit by a pitch.

property times_hit_player

Returns an int of the number of times the pitcher hit a player with a pitch.

property times_struck_out

Returns an int of the number of times the player was struck out.

property total_bases

Returns an int of the number of bases the player has gained.

property total_fielding_runs_above_average

Returns an int of the number of runs the player was worth compared to an average player.

property total_fielding_runs_above_average_per_innings

Returns an int of the number of runs the player was worth per 1,200 innings compared to an average player.

property triples

Returns an int of the number of triples the player hit.

property weight

Returns an int of the player’s weight in pounds.

property whip

Returns a float of the pitcher’s WHIP score, equivalent to (bases on balls + hits) / innings played.

property wild_pitches

Returns an int of the number of wild pitches the player has thrown.

property win_percentage

Returns a float of the players winning percentage as a pitcher. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property wins

Returns an int of the number of games the player has won as a pitcher.

class, year=None, slim=False)[source]

Bases: object

Get stats for all players on a roster.

Request a team’s roster for a given season and create instances of the Player class for each player, containing a detailed list of the players statistics and information.

  • team (string) – The team’s abbreviation, such as ‘HOU’ for the Houston Astros.

  • year (string (optional)) – The 4-digit year to pull the roster from, such as ‘2018’. If left blank, defaults to the most recent season.

  • slim (boolean (optional)) – Set to True to return a limited subset of player information including the name and player ID for each player as opposed to all of their respective stats which greatly reduces the time to return a response if just the names and IDs are desired. Defaults to False.

property coach

Returns a string of the coach’s name, such as ‘AJ Hinch’.

property players

Returns a list of player instances for each player on the requested team’s roster if the slim property is False when calling the Roster class. If the slim property is True, returns a dictionary where each key is a string of the player’s ID and each value is the player’s first and last name as listed on the roster page.


The Schedule module can be used to iterate over all games in a team’s schedule to get game information such as the date, score, result, and more. Each game also has a link to the Boxscore class which has much more detailed information on the game metrics.

from import Schedule

houston_schedule = Schedule('HOU')
for game in houston_schedule:
    print(  # Prints the date the game was played
    print(game.result)  # Prints whether the team won or lost
    # Creates an instance of the Boxscore class for the game.
    boxscore = game.boxscore
class, year)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a matchup between two teams.

Stores all relevant high-level match information for a game in a team’s schedule including date, time, opponent, and result.

  • game_data (string) – The row containing the specified game information.

  • year (string) – The year of the current season.

property attendance

Returns an int of the total listed attendance for the game.

property boxscore

Returns an instance of the Boxscore class containing more detailed stats on the game.

property boxscore_index

Returns a string of the URI for a boxscore which can be used to access or index a game.

property dataframe

Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other class properties and values. The index for the DataFrame is the boxscore string.

property dataframe_extended

Returns a pandas DataFrame representing the Boxscore class for the game. This property provides much richer context for the selected game, but takes longer to process compared to the lighter ‘dataframe’ property. The index for the DataFrame is the boxscore string.

property date

Returns a string of the date the game was played on.

property datetime

Returns a datetime object of the month, day, year, and time the game was played.

property day_or_night

Returns a string constant to indicate whether the game was played during the day or night.

property game

Returns an int of the game in the season, where 1 is the first game of the season.

property game_duration



Returns a string of the game’s total duration in the format ‘H

property game_number_for_day

Returns an int denoting which game is played for the team during the given day. Default value is 1 where a team plays only one game during the day, but can be higher for double headers, etc. For example, if a team has a double header one day, the first game of the day will return 1 while the second game will return 2.

property games_behind

Returns a float of the number of games behind the leader the team is. 0.0 indicates the team is tied for first. Negative numbers indicate the number of games a team is ahead of the second place team.

property innings

Returns an int of the total number of innings that were played.

property location

Returns a string constant to indicate whether the game was played at home or away.

property loser

Returns a string of the name of the losing pitcher.

property opponent_abbr

Returns a string of the opponent’s 3-letter abbreviation, such as ‘NYY’ for the New York Yankees.

property rank

Returns an int of the team’s rank in the league with 1 being the best team.

property record

Returns a string of the team’s record in the format ‘W-L’.

property result

Returns a string constant to indicate whether the team won or lost.

property runs_allowed

Returns an int of the total number of runs that the team allowed.

property runs_scored

Returns an int of the total number of runs that were scored by the team.

property save

Returns a string of the name of the pitcher credited with the save if applicable. If no saves, returns None.

property streak

Returns a string of the team’s winning/losing streak at the conclusion of the requested game. A winning streak is denoted by a number of ‘+’ signs for the number of consecutive wins and a losing streak is denoted by a ‘-‘ sign.

property winner

Returns a string of the name of the winning pitcher.

class, year=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object of the given team’s schedule.

Generates a team’s schedule for the season including wins, losses, and scores if applicable.

  • abbreviation (string) – A team’s short name, such as ‘HOU’ for the Houston Astros.

  • year (string (optional)) – The requested year to pull stats from.

property dataframe

Returns a pandas DataFrame where each row is a representation of the Game class. Rows are indexed by the boxscore string.

property dataframe_extended

Returns a pandas DataFrame where each row is a representation of the Boxscore class for every game in the schedule. Rows are indexed by the boxscore string. This property provides much richer context for the selected game, but takes longer to process compared to the lighter ‘dataframe’ property.


The Teams module exposes information for all MLB teams including the team name and abbreviation, the number of games they won during the season, the total number of bases they’ve stolen, and much more.

from import Teams

teams = Teams()
for team in teams:
    print(  # Prints the team's name
    print(team.batting_average)  # Prints the team's season batting average

A team can also be requested directly by calling the Team class which returns a Team instance identical to the one in each element in the loop above. To request a specific team, use the 3-letter abbreviation for the team while calling Team class.

from import Team

houston = Team('HOU')

Each Team instance contains a link to the Schedule class which enables easy iteration over all games for a particular team. A Pandas DataFrame can also be queried to easily grab all stats for all games.

from import Teams

teams = Teams()
for team in teams:
    schedule = team.schedule  # Returns a Schedule instance for each team
    # Returns a Pandas DataFrame of all metrics for all game Boxscores for
    # a season.
    df = team.schedule.dataframe_extended

Lastly, each Team instance also contains a link to the Roster class which enables players from the team to be easily queried. Each Roster instance contains detailed stats and information for each player on the team.

from import Teams

for team in Teams():
    roster = team.roster  # Gets each team's roster
    for player in roster.players:
        print(  # Prints each players name on the roster
class, team_data=None, rank=None, year=None, standings_file=None, teams_file=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object containing all of a team’s season information.

Finds and parses all team stat information and identifiers, such as rank, name, and abbreviation, and sets them as properties which can be directly read from for easy reference.

If calling directly, the team’s abbreviation needs to be passed. Otherwise, the Teams class will handle all arguments.

  • team_name (string (optional)) – The name of the team to pull if being called directly.

  • team_data (string (optional)) – A string containing all of the rows of stats for a given team. If multiple tables are being referenced, this will be comprised of multiple rows in a single string. Is only used when called directly from the Teams class.

  • rank (int (optional)) – A team’s position in the league based on the number of points they obtained during the season. Is only used when called directly from the Teams class.

  • year (string (optional)) – The requested year to pull stats from.

  • standings_file (string (optional)) – Optionally specify the filename of a local file to use to pull data instead of downloading from This file should be of the Standings page for the designated year.

  • teams_file (string (optional)) – Optionally specify the filename of a local file to use to pull data instead of downloading from This file should be of the League page for the designated year.

property abbreviation

Returns a string of the team’s abbreviation, such as ‘HOU’ for the Houston Astros.

property at_bats

Returns an int of the total number of at bats for the team.

property average_batter_age

Returns a float of the average batter age weighted by their number of at bats plus the number of games participated in.

property average_pitcher_age

Returns a float of the average pitcher age weighted by the number of games started, followed by the number of games played and saves.

property away_losses

Returns an int of the number of away losses during the season.

property away_record

Returns a string of the team’s away record. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property away_wins

Returns an int of the number of away wins during the season.

property balks

Returns an int of the total number of times a pitcher has balked.

property bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the number of bases on walks.

property bases_on_walks_given

Returns an int of the total number of bases from walks given up by a team during the season.

property bases_on_walks_given_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the average number of walks conceded per nine innings.

property batters_faced

Returns an int of the total number of batters all pitchers have faced during a season.

property batting_average

Returns a float of the batting average for the team. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property complete_game_shutouts

Returns an int of the total number of complete games where the opponent scored zero runs.

property complete_games

Returns an int of the total number of complete games a team has accumulated during the season.

property dataframe

Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other class properties and values. The index for the DataFrame is the string abbreviation of the team, such as ‘HOU’.

property doubles

Returns an int of the total number of doubles hit by the team.

property earned_runs_against

Returns a float of the average number of earned runs against for a team.

property earned_runs_against_plus

Returns an int of the team’s average earned runs against, adjusted for the home ballpark.

property extra_inning_losses

Returns an int of the number of losses the team has when the game has gone to extra innings.

property extra_inning_record

Returns a string of the team’s record when the game has gone to extra innings. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property extra_inning_wins

Returns an int of the number of wins the team has when the game has gone to extra innings.

property fielding_independent_pitching

Returns a float of the team’s effectiveness at preventing home runs, walks, batters being hit by pitches, and strikeouts.

property games

Returns an int of the number of games the team has played during the season.

property games_finished

Returns an int of the number of games finished which is equivalent to the number of games played minus the number of complete games during the season.

property grounded_into_double_plays

Returns an int of the total number double plays grounded into by the team.

property hit_pitcher

Returns an int of the total number of times a pitcher has hit an opposing batter.

property hits

Returns an int of the total number of hits during the season.

property hits_allowed

Returns an int of the total number of hits allowed during the season.

property hits_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the average number of hits per nine innings by the opponent.

property home_losses

Returns an int of the number of losses at home during the season.

property home_record

Returns a string of the team’s home record. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property home_runs

Returns an int of the total number of home runs hit by the team.

property home_runs_against

Returns an int of the total number of home runs given up during the season.

property home_runs_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the average number of home runs per nine innings by the opponent.

property home_wins

Returns an int of the number of wins at home during the season.

property innings_pitched

Returns a float of the total number of innings pitched by a team during the season.

property intentional_bases_on_balls

Returns an int of the total number of times a player took a base from an intentional walk.

property interleague_record

Returns a string of the team’s interleague record. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property last_ten_games_record

Returns a string of the team’s record over the last ten games. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property last_thirty_games_record

Returns a string of the team’s record over the last thirty games. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property last_twenty_games_record

Returns a string of the team’s record over the last twenty games. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property league

Returns a string of the two letter abbreviation of the league, such as ‘AL’ for the American League.

property losses

Returns an int of the total number of games the team lost during the season.

property losses_last_ten_games

Returns an int of the number of losses in the last 10 games.

property losses_last_thirty_games

Returns an int of the number of losses in the last 30 games.

property losses_last_twenty_games

Returns an int of the number of losses in the last 20 games.

property losses_vs_left_handed_pitchers

Returns an int of number of losses against left-handed pitchers.

property losses_vs_right_handed_pitchers

Returns an int of the number of losses against right-handed pitchers.

property losses_vs_teams_over_500

Returns an int of the number of losses against teams over 500.

property losses_vs_teams_under_500

Returns an int of the number of losses against teams under 500.

property luck

Returns an int of the difference between the current wins and losses compared to the pythagorean wins and losses.

property name

Returns a string of the team’s full name, such as ‘Houston Astros’.

property number_of_pitchers

Returns an int of the total number of pitchers used during a season.

property number_players_used

Returns an int of the number of different players used during the season.

property on_base_percentage

Returns a float of the percentage of at bats that result in a player taking a base. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property on_base_plus_slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the sum of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage.

property on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus

Returns an int of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage, adjusted to the team’s home ballpark.

property opposing_runners_left_on_base

Returns an int of the total number of opponents a team has left on bases at the end of an inning.

property plate_appearances

Returns an int of the total number of plate appearances for the team.

property pythagorean_win_loss

Returns a string of the team’s expected win-loss record based on the runs scored and allowed. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property rank

Returns an int of the team’s rank based on their win percentage.

property record_vs_left_handed_pitchers

Returns a string of the team’s record against left-handed pitchers. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property record_vs_right_handed_pitchers

Returns a string of the team’s record against right-handed pitchers. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property record_vs_teams_over_500

Returns a string of the team’s record against teams with a win percentage over 500. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property record_vs_teams_under_500

Returns a string of the team’s record against teams with a win percentage under 500. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property roster

Returns an instance of the Roster class containing all players for the team during the season with all career stats.

property run_difference

Returns a float of the difference between the number of runs scored and the number of runs given up per game. Positive numbers indicate the team scores more per game than they are scored on.

property runners_left_on_base

Returns an int of the total number of runners left on base at the end of an inning.

property runs

Returns a float of the average number of runs scored per game by the team.

property runs_against

Returns a float of the average number of runs scored per game by the opponent.

property runs_allowed_per_game

Returns a float of the average number of runs a team has allowed per game.

property runs_batted_in

Returns an int of the total number of runs batted in by the team.

property sacrifice_flies

Returns an int of the total number of sacrifice flies the team made during the season.

property sacrifice_hits

Returns an int of the total number of sacrifice hits the team made during the season.

property saves

Returns an int of the total number of saves a team has accumulated during the season.

property schedule

Returns an instance of the Schedule class containing the team’s complete schedule for the season.

property shutouts

Returns an int of the total number of shutouts a team has accumulated during the season.

property simple_rating_system

Returns a float of the average number of runs per game a team scores compared to average.

property single_run_losses

Returns an int of the number of losses the team has when only one run is scored.

property single_run_record

Returns a string of the team’s record when only one run is scored. Record is in the format ‘W-L’.

property single_run_wins

Returns an int of the number of wins the team has when only one run is scored.

property slugging_percentage

Returns a float of the ratio of total bases gained per at bat.

property stolen_bases

Returns an int of the total number of bases stolen by the team.

property streak

Returns a string of the team’s current winning or losing streak, such as ‘W 3’ for a team on a 3-game winning streak.

property strength_of_schedule

Returns a float denoting a team’s strength of schedule, based on runs scores and conceded. Higher values result in more challenging schedules while 0.0 is an average schedule.

property strikeouts

Returns an int of the total number of times a team has struck out an opponent.

property strikeouts_per_base_on_balls

Returns a float of the average number of strikeouts per walk thrown by a team.

property strikeouts_per_nine_innings

Returns a float of the average number of strikeouts a team throws per nine innings.

property times_caught_stealing

Returns an int of the number of times a player was caught stealing.

property times_hit_by_pitch

Returns an int of the total number of times a batter was hit by an opponent’s pitch.

property times_struck_out

Returns an int of the total number of times the team struck out.

property total_bases

Returns an int of the total number of bases a team has gained during the season.

property total_runs

Returns an int of the total number of runs scored during the season.

property triples

Returns an int of the total number of tripes hit by the team.

property whip

Returns a float of the average number of walks plus hits by the opponent per inning.

property wild_pitches

Returns an int of the total number of wild pitches thrown by a team during a season.

property win_percentage

Returns a float of the number of wins divided by the number of games played during the season. Percentage ranges from 0-1.

property wins

Returns an int of the total number of games the team won during the season.

property wins_last_ten_games

Returns an int of the number of wins in the last 10 games.

property wins_last_thirty_games

Returns an int of the number of wins in the last 30 games.

property wins_last_twenty_games

Returns an int of the number of wins in the last 20 games.

property wins_vs_left_handed_pitchers

Returns an int of number of wins against left-handed pitchers.

property wins_vs_right_handed_pitchers

Returns an int of the number of wins against right-handed pitchers.

property wins_vs_teams_over_500

Returns an int of the number of wins against teams over 500.

property wins_vs_teams_under_500

Returns an int of the number of wins against teams under 500.

class, standings_file=None, teams_file=None)[source]

Bases: object

A list of all MLB teams and their stats in a given year.

Finds and retrieves a list of all MLB teams from and creates a Team instance for every team that participated in the league in a given year. The Team class comprises a list of all major stats and a few identifiers for the requested season.

  • year (string (optional)) – The requested year to pull stats from.

  • standings_file (string (optional)) – Optionally specify the filename of a local file to use to pull data instead of downloading from This file should be of the Standings page for the designated year.

  • teams_file (string (optional)) – Optionally specify the filename of a local file to use to pull data instead of downloading from This file should be of the League page for the designated year.

property dataframes

Returns a pandas DataFrame where each row is a representation of the Team class. Rows are indexed by the team abbreviation.[source]